看了一本书Code Simplicity,准确点来说应该是一本小册子,全书也就80来页而已。里面有些观点在这里摘录一下。
There are, thankfully, various ways to balance these two needs of writing features and handling complexity. One of the best ways is to do your redesigning purely with the goal of making some specific feature easier to implement, and then implementing that feature. That way, you switch regularly between redesign work and feature work. This also helps your new design fit your needs well, because you’re creating it with a real use in mind. Your system will slowly get less complex over time, and you will still keep pace with your users’ needs. You can even do this for bugs—if you see that some bug would be easier to fix with a different design, redesign the code before fixing it.
Many difficult design problems can be solved by simply drawing or writing them out on paper.
我自己也逐渐在养成一种习惯,在开始写代吗时先用文字的方式在自己的logseq 上写下来要做什么,具体步骤有哪些一步一步列出来,也会把具体的需求或者问题描述一边。一旦我这么做了后
A technology’s survival potential is the likelihood that it will continue to be maintained. If you get stuck with a library or some dependency that becomes obsolete and un- maintained, you’re really in for some trouble
Thankfully, there are three factors you can look at to determine if a technology is “bad” before you even start using it: survival potential, interoperability, and attention to quality.
Complexity builds on complexity—it’s not just a linear thing. That is, you can’t make assumptions like: “We have 10 features, so adding 1 more will only add 10 percent more time.” In fact, that one new feature will have to be coordinated with all 10 of your existing features. So, if it takes 10 hours of coding time to implement the feature itself, it may well take another 10 hours of coding time to make the 10 existing features all interact properly with the new feature. The more features there are, the higher the cost of adding a feature gets. You can minimize this problem by having an excellent software design, but there will still always be some slight extra cost for every new feature.
On the other side of things, when you’ve designed well, there’s often not a whole lot of credit that comes your way. Catastrophic failures in design are big and noticeable, whereas small increments of work toward a good design are invisible to people who aren’t intimately connected with the code. This can make being a designer a difficult job. Handling a big failure gets you a lot of thanks, but preventing one from ever hap- pening…well, nobody’s likely to notice.
The real purpose of comments is to explain why you did something, when the reason isn’t obvious. If you don’t explain that, other programmers may be confused, and when they go to change your code they might remove important parts of it if those parts don’t seem to have a reason to exist
There are situations in programming where it doesn’t matter how you do things, as long as you always do them that way. Theoretically, you could write your code in some crazy complex way, but as long as you were consistent with it, people would learn how to read it. (Of course, it’s better to be consistent and simple, but if you can’t be totally simple, at least be consistent.)
Code that isn’t consistent is harder for a programmer to understand and read.
一致性,先从变量命名开始,尤其是API 中,用了驼峰就全部都是驼峰,别一会下划线一会驼峰。
However, just because a user reports something doesn’t mean it’s a problem. Some- times the user will simply not have realized that your program had some feature already, and so asked you to implement something else unnecessarily
Never “fix” anything unless it’s a problem, and you have evidence showing that the problem really exists. It’s important to have evidence of problems before you address them. Otherwise, you might be developing features that don’t solve anybody’s problem, or you might be “fixing” things that aren’t broken.
不要着急去“Fix bugs”,先确认清楚情况。尤其看到一些年轻开发者,一旦别人提了个问题,马上就自己吭哧就写代码了。
This is actually a combination of two methods: one called “incremental development” and another called “incremental design.” Incremental development is a method of building up a whole system by doing work in small pieces. In our list, each step that started with “Implement” was part of the incremental development process. Incre- mental design is similarly a method of creating and improving the system’s design in small increments. Each step that started with “Fix up the system’s design” or “Plan” was part of the incremental design process.
In general, when your design makes things more complex instead of simplifying things, you’re overengineering.
Code should be designed based on what you know now, not on what you think will happen in the future.
- Make too many assumptions about the future. 2. Write code without enough design
It’s a good rule, but it’s misnamed. You actually might need the code in the future, but since you can’t predict the future you don’t know how the code needs to work yet. If you write it now, before you need it, you’re going to have to redesign it for your real needs once you actually start using it
There are three broad mistakes that software designers make when attempting to cope with the Law of Change, listed here in order of how common they are:
- Writing code that isn’t needed
- Not making the code easy to change
- Being too generic
Often, designing a system that will have decreasing maintenance effort requires a significantly larger effort of implementation—quite a bit more design work and planning are required. However, remember that the effort of implementation is nearly always an insignificant factor in making design decisions, and should mostly be ignored.
And in fact, nearly all decisions in software design reduce entirely to measuring the future value of a change versus its effort of maintenance. There are situations in which the present value and the implementation effort are large enough to be significant in a decision, but they are extremely rare. In general, software systems are maintained for so long that the value now and the effort of implementation are guaranteed to become insignificant in almost all cases when compared to the long-term future value and effort of maintenance.
Features that have no users have no immediate value. These could include features that users can’t find, features that are too difficult to use, or features that simply don’t help anybody. They may have value in the future, but they have no value now.
Probability of value and potential value Value is actually composed of two factors: the probability of value (how likely it is that this change will help a user), and the potential value (how much this change will help a user during those times when it does help that person).
The difference between a bad programmer and a good programmer is understanding.
The average software system becomes large enough that no human being could hope to hold all of its code in their mind at once. This isn’t good or bad, it’s just a fact